Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Closing this Chapter

I have arrived in the United States. The flights went smoothly and were full of fun, quirky moments, tears, and some sleep.

My last week in Prague was wonderful! Spring weather came the last two days and I loved being out in the sunshine, exploring.

My Mladez gave me a going away party. It was wonderful to spend time with them all. We had yummy food, took a late night walk to Prague Castle and back, watched movies, and slept at the church. I was given meaningful gifts, hugs, and see you laters. I left one friend at the metro station and found myself crying all the way to Stacy's flat and talking to God in Czech. I must have been quite the sight!

On Sunday morning, I headed to the airport. The goodbyes were difficult but I know that I'll see everyone again someday either on this side or in heaven.

Thank you all so much for all your support and prayers during this adventure. I've learned a lot, seen God move in inspiring ways, and enjoyed walking with my Czech brothers and sisters for this season. Blessings to you all as you continue on your journeys!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Winding Down

My Czech friends have commented that I haven't posted a blog in a while. I'm glad for their reminder since the past 6 weeks have been so busy! And as of today I have 8 days left in the Czech Republic. I fly back to the states on March 18th.

So what kinds of things have I been doing that make me so busy? How have I been winding down my time in Prague? Good questions!

I spent a 4 day weekend in Germany visiting Marsha, one of my best friends and fellow mission intern. This was a powerful, restful, and wonderful last Europe visit together. The next time we see each other will in the states this summer.

Coming back refreshed from Germany, I began to figure out how to do this transition that I found myself in. As a planner, I like to have the details worked out for when to end certain work pieces of my internship. I have wrapped up my time with CISP, Teen Challenge, Young Life, and English Conversations.

But I have added to it. I'm spending time with friends here. And I'm loving it. I have said some tough see you laters to those that I will not see before the 18th. I've had some powerful God moments with friends here and have been amazed by how He is moving. I'm really excited to spend more time with friends these next 8 days.

I celebrated my 25th birthday in Prague! Nothing extremely fancy but I felt loved and cherished by those around me. I ate well, laughed a ton, and still don't feel too old for being a quarter of a century age. ;)

Last week, I stood in front of my church and shared a bit of my testimony and a formal farewell. It was nice to be able to tell the body of Christ how He is working through them and how much I appreciate them. I am still in awe with the many people who have come up to thank me for my words and for coming to Prague. They are all such a blessing to me!

One of my favorite events that I attended was going to my friend, Dada's university graduation. I'm SO proud of her. I love that I was able to send her encouragement throughout this last year of studies. I loved that I was able to watch her receive her diploma! We joke with her that she's now an adult but seriously, I'm excited to see where God takes her!

What I've struggled with this past week is feeling like a robot. I am doing the things that need to be done and saying the goodbyes but the emotions are very slowly following. Everyone assures me that this is normal. I'm expecting the flood gates to open on the airplane. :)

So, my Prague life is winding down. This next week will be busy with spending time with friends, continuing to make decisions about the future, a day trip to Poland, and finding time to wrap up some paperwork that needs to get done. Thank you for all your prayers and support and please keep them coming this next week!