Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas time is here!

It's hard to believe that Christmas is this week. Where has the time gone? I've been back at HDC for two weeks now and it's definitely a change from being a participant...a positive change. I've been enjoying getting to know my fellow staff members better. I've noticed some patterns in myself that will probably continue. An example you may ask...I go into Jess' office space, lay on the floor and stare at the world map when I'm processing. The others who share the space don't see me when they walk in and wonder who Jess is talking to. We sing often and randomly which I absolutely love. We play games and sometimes laugh so hard that we cry. I start my day and then the next thing I know it's midnight and I'm left to wonder where the time has went. With the Christmas season we've had many holiday gatherings that we've attended and have found ways to help out in the community. This week we'll have some visitors in the house which will be a nice change.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Just Keep Swimming...

Training is over, Thanksgiving is here, and I am no longer leaving for the Czech Republic in December. I have to apply for a different visa and there is a 90 to 120 day processing period. My new flight date is scheduled for the end of March 2011. So what will I be doing for the next 4 months? I will continue to live at HDC (Harrisburg Discipleship Center) as a staff member. I will be the intercessor. This means that I will be interceding for persons, situations, nations, staff, and trainees through prayer. Although it is hard not leaving for Prague in December as planned, I am looking forward to being on staff and working with the winter training. I feel a deep sense of peace and know that our Father has something special up His sleeve with this new plan.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Drum Roll Please.....

As on Friday I reached the 80% mark in my fund-raising! This means that we can start the paperwork (i.e. visa) and look at flight dates. Thank you to all who have helped made this possible and a BIG thank you to my MST for all their hard work!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Halfway ALREADY?!?!?!

My time at HDC is halfway over already. I can hardly believe it! I've enjoyed learning more about the people I have been living with for the past 5 weeks. There's an openness and dare I say...vulnerability here that is inspiring. I am currently at home for a few days to meet up with my MST on how fundraising is going and such things and it was strange leaving Harrisburg for this trip home. I am grateful for this time of rest and know that many adventures are awaiting me in the next 5 weeks.
In closing I would like to demonstrate some of the crazy happenings/things that I have learned I will make a list:
1) We have several Starbucks addicts in the house
2) Hugs are a very common occurrence
3) Dutch Blitz is a very intense card game among us
4) Ice cream is sacred
5) Make over nights occur by the 5th week
6) Neighborhood children bring more love and joy than they realize
7) Trash pick ups make a difference
8) When you ask God how to make a difference in some one's life He'll give you the opportunity
9) Accents are very much welcomed in the house
10) You go about your day with the knowledge that your housemates will walk with you no matter where you are at in life

Monday, September 27, 2010

We live, we love, we laugh hysterically...

Life at HDC in two words: never boring! We all have grown to care about each other so much in a short amount of time. It's been wonderful getting to know the other teams that are here. I've enjoyed playing games, learning about our spiritual pilgrimages, and how to build a deeper relationship with God. Continuous healing of hearts has been a theme that I have noticed throughout the mansion. Community outreach has been amazing as well. I enjoy getting to know my neighbors and appreciate their care for my well being as I'm walking or picking up trash. From falls to hugs, tears and laughter this is definitely the place that I'm supposed to be at right now.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Odds & Ends & New Chapters

This past week I have been wrapping some loose ends up in Harrisonburg and preparing to come to Harrisburg for 3 months of discipleship training. Some of those items included saying goodbye to the children I worked with for the past year and half, packing up parts of my apartment, one last road trip to Ohio, and hosting a benefit concert as a fundraiser. It's been a whirlwind but now that is behind me and a new chapter is beginning!

Last night the YES teams and Interns had a commissioning service in Mt. Joy, PA. After being lost for 40 minutes my friend and I arrived to the facility. The afternoon was full of orientation and the service was wonderful. The realization that I am one step closer to going to the Czech Republic has me bubbling over with excitement. I wanted to say thank you to all who came to the service yesterday evening. It means a great deal.

Today has been spent orienting ourselves to life at the training center and learning what's coming up in the next 3 months. I am anticipating a time of challenge, growth, and tons of laughter.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Closing time...

August has been a whirlwind of an adventure. Speaking at churches, a fundraiser meal, lettering mailing, and odd jobs are the main things that I did this past month. I spoke at two churches in Maryland and both were very receptive and excited to here about the Czech Republic.

Last Saturday evening my MST and I held a Czech Fundraiser Meal. The menu consisted of Sauerkraut pancakes, beef goulash, and potato dumplings. It was delicious! I can't wait to try authentic Czech food! My friend Regina shared some of the history of the Czech Republic. I'm enjoying what I have been learning about the Czech Republic. I'm looking forward to learning the whole time I'm there.

My experience of doing odd jobs has been enlightening and enriching. I have mainly worked for one couple in my church. They know a lot about gardening and have kindly shared their knowledge with me. It's been great getting to know them.

Tomorrow is my last day at my job. I leave on Sept. 12th for training up in Pennsylvania. As one door closes another one opens. I'm looking forward to a week of getting things in order and traveling to visit friends. So here's to closing one chapter of my life to begin another!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Shifting Gears

Sharing with small groups, standing in front of large groups, planning events, and beginning final preparations are all a part of the work going on this month. I have 7 weeks left before I begin the next segment of this journey which will be moving to Pennsylvania for 2 and 1/2 months. Time is flying by and I'm struck with excitement, anticipation, and the realization that goodbyes are already commencing. August will be a busy time of support raising with lots of fun events to tell about. Stay tuned in!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer's a-Buzzing

Summer is flying by. So far since my last post the routine has been letters, letters, planning, and letters. Fun times are in the works for fundraising. This week I attended a retreat called OASIS. I built relationships with people, sat through amazing sessions, learned more about the Czech Republic, and improved my skills in Dutch Blitz (an insanely fast card game where you try to get as many cards out of your hands before the other players). Through reflection times this week I decided I want to share a poem from St. Hilda Community that impacted me in a profound way this week.

Flaming Dancing Spirit

Sweep us off our feet
And dance us through our days
Surprise us with your rhythms
Dare us to try new steps
Explore new patterns and new partnerships
Release us from old routines
To swing in abandoned joy and fearful adventure
And in the intervals
Rest us in your still centre

I love dancing. It brings me joy and usually gets everyone around me laughing. This poem inspires me to keep on dancing, finding new ways to dance. Laughter and growth will continue to follow.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pasta Bar Fundraiser

Pasta, Pasta, Pasta! My MST made an amazing Pasta Bar 2 weeks ago to raise funds for the upcoming trip. The pastor on my MST did missions work in Italy and made some pretty amazing dishes. About 90 people came to give money, eat yummy food, and hear about my upcoming adventures. My friend, Jess, drove down from Leesburg, VA to help set up and to spend time with me in which I am eternally grateful. We raised a little over $1600 at the meal and I got to speak with several members of the church that I had never met. Things are coming together and I'm looking forward to seeing what else will be happening this coming month of fundraising.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bake Sale

"Come to the Bake Sale! Come to the Bake Sale" chants Kim this past Saturday morning at the Belmont yard sale. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the happenings in Harrisonburg, this yard sale is the kick off to yard sale season and the largest sale I've ever seen in my life. It takes hours to see everything. So there we sat up our bake sale to raise funds for my trip. The experience was fun and interesting. I enjoyed the conversations and the common bounds that were formed by people because of baked goods. I still don't know the total amount of money raised but I know the bake sale has been a good start in the fundraising process.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Beginning of an Adventure

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference". Robert Frost's words are flowing through my brain and will probably continue to do so. I have started down the less traveled road by answering the call to build relationships with people in Prague, Czech Republic. Departure to occur in December 2010 returning 12 months later. The adventure starts now with preparation. My hope is that this space will provide the opportunity for you to walk down this road with me.