Thursday, September 15, 2011

It takes a process to get a product

Since I last posted, my visa is now in the process of being renewed, I have started my fall schedule, and my teammate Stacy has arrived.

Stacy arrived 10 days ago and it's been a joy to have her here! You can find us frequenting a kavarna, walking around, being tourist with our cameras out, and laughing at the crazy things that seem to happen to us. Last week, while crossing a busy intersection, my flip flop broke so we did an immediate shoe shopping trip. I ended up purchasing sweet purple shoes! We've also had some meaningful conversations and I am loving how the people in my life are accepting her with open arms. I'm truly blessed with incredible people here in Prague.

God has taken the time before Stacy's arrival to remind me again of his faithfulness. That when I feel alone it's a lie because He's there with me. I've been learning what it means to surrender to what He is doing in my life. I've been studying, in a sense, about what it means to work from a place of rest at Jesus' feet. I've spent the past few weeks allowing God to pour into me. In the beginning of September, I went on a leadership retreat with Young Life and felt God telling me in my quiet time that it's time to work. It's time to take what I've been learning from God about working from a place of rest and apply it. It's been great! There are some days where I'm gone ALL day from home and other days that are slower paced that I can rest and be with God.

There are some changes to what I'm doing for the next 6 months. I'm coordinating with Young Life Praha to start a martial arts club hopefully in October. We've been having some issues with finding a location. I will also be helping them with some weekend events throughout the next 6 months. I am also a service project supervisor for a small group of high schoolers from Christian International School of Prague. We go to Teen Challenge once a week and work with their after school program. Yesterday was our first day there and I'm looking forward to this time during the week.

Next week, Dave Harnish, his son Zane, and Marsha Kanagy arrive for a cohort visit! I'm looking forward to showing them life here in Prague and seeing God continue to work here. There are so many random encounters that continue to happen here and I'm praying they continue.