Monday, June 27, 2011

One Door Closes & Another One Opens

The past few weeks since Germany have been incredible! I have enjoyed digging into 1 John at English Bible Study with my Czech brothers and sisters in Christ. We've begun to explore what it means to be a child of God. We discuss each week the ways that we have witnessed or extended Christ's love throughout the week. I love these discussions and the reminders of the little ways God moves in our lives everyday.
I was able to spend a full day at my host mom's flat with her and her friend, Paul because of a public transportation strike. She was still working from home and I was working on things too, but we took 2 hours for lunch and coffee, conversation, fellowship.
I've spent time with Czech friends, investing into each other, getting to know each other, opening up. That is the sweetest part about being here! The people. I have had Chinese food twice in one week with different people. I joined a group of artists from the Czech and America for supper after an art exhibit. I joined an American missionary family and their friend from the states on an exploration of Podebrady, a smaller town outside of Prague known for it's crystal making. I've helped out with coffee and tea time after church. After Mladez on Thursdays we all go to McDonalds and continue fellowshipping, me trying to figure out what is being said in Czech and having conversations in English too.
I also closed one chapter of my time here this weekend. On my 3 month mark of being in Prague I moved out of my host mom's flat and into ETS (Evangelical Theological Seminary). I'm living in a flat for the next 2-3 months until Stacy, the EMM long term missionary, arrives at the end of August. I was blessed with help in moving and even though I have more cleaning to do feel quite settled in my new home. It is another chapter of adjusting to life here in the CZ.
Two times this week at church, God has spoken very clearly. Maty led the program at Mladez on Thursday. He had us go around and share how we see God's creation. There are many things that I could have said and I choose to say the sunrise and sunset. But upon further reflection, I would say I see God's creation through laughter. Laughter is a way of expressing joy. It's a universal language, an ice breaker, a chance for us to bond over something humorous. "a time to laugh" says Ecclesiastes 3:4. I love hearing laughter and...well...laughing myself. Isn't it incredible? God made our languages diverse but still gave us ways to communicate without words?
The second time God spoke clearly this week was on Sunday. A guest pastor spoke from 1 John 1. To be in the light we need to be intimate with the Father. He shared from his on faith journey of finding God. I love the image of pursuing God that he used: "All night long on my bed I looked for the one my heart loves; I looked for him but did not find him. I will get up now and go about the city, through its streets and squares; I will search for the one my heart loves. So I looked for him but did not find him. The watchmen found me as they made their rounds in the city. 'Have you see the one my heart loves?' Scarcely had I passed them when I found the one my heart loves. I held him and would not let him go." -Song of Songs 3:1-4a. Wow...that's an intimate relationship with God. When was the last time you or I searched that passionately for God?