Monday, May 30, 2011 wait Czech...oh shoot that's Spanish

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind and at the center of it has been an intensive beginner's Czech language course at the Caledonian School. Monday-Friday, 9am-12:15pm I could be found in a room off of Narodni Tria, a few blocks from the National Theatre with 8 other students learning Czech. All of us from different regions of the world and learning Czech for different reasons. For myself there were moments of laughter, frustration and holding back tears when teh words wouldn't come out right, and moments of shear satisfaction and joy when I was able to communicate and understand. I was also pleasantly surprised to discover that my Spanish came back very quickly to my brain. If I coulsn't find the word in my heard in Czech the Spanish word came flying in. Luckily, I didn't blurt out any Spanish words during class.
I am discovering that I can comprehend Czech better than I can speak it. And I was thrilled when I had to ask for directions in Czech, received them in Czech and understood the entire exchange. My Mladez (the young adults at the church) friends don't let me quit my Czech language learning. Every Thursday you could find us talking and me attempting to remember what I learned that day, or me trying to figure out what page number the song is on in the songbook. You could also find my workbook being passed around and laughed at. Then the moment comes when I remember what I learned and begin to slowly speak it. Bodies are leaned in to hear the Czech words stubble out of my moth and my face turns redder and redder as I speak until I am glowing red. Gentle voices correct and encourage me. What a blessing!