This past week I have been wrapping some loose ends up in Harrisonburg and preparing to come to Harrisburg for 3 months of discipleship training. Some of those items included saying goodbye to the children I worked with for the past year and half, packing up parts of my apartment, one last road trip to Ohio, and hosting a benefit concert as a fundraiser. It's been a whirlwind but now that is behind me and a new chapter is beginning!
Last night the YES teams and Interns had a commissioning service in Mt. Joy, PA. After being lost for 40 minutes my friend and I arrived to the facility. The afternoon was full of orientation and the service was wonderful. The realization that I am one step closer to going to the Czech Republic has me bubbling over with excitement. I wanted to say thank you to all who came to the service yesterday evening. It means a great deal.
Today has been spent orienting ourselves to life at the training center and learning what's coming up in the next 3 months. I am anticipating a time of challenge, growth, and tons of laughter.